Episode 18

Proud Someday


June 23rd, 2021

38 mins 11 secs

Season 2

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Excommunicated! Shunned for Life! Unintentional fundamentalist outreach porn.
(The winner of last week's Retro 90s Trivia Contest is Evan Sauve, who wasn't born yet in the 90s, with Troy Tuttle being disqualified due to having been at most of the same concerts I was at, giving him, I felt, an unfair advantage. )
This week: Failing to meet parental fundamentalist expectations, and trying to maintain a relationship with them anyway. Having one's birth culture/a global Christian community excommunicate shun one worldwide, and for life. There's nothing spiritual in laughing at people. Not even the children of Israel, St. Peter and St. Thomas. Worldly people and other churches either. Mocking: what Gen Xers, the 90s, and our Christian community, were all about. South Park. Tarantino formula = violence + pop culture + style. Twitter bans.

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