Episode 21

A Chance To Backslide


July 7th, 2021

43 mins 35 secs

Season 2

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Drunks who get saved into churchified sobriety have to ensure they don't backslide into the gutter, the misery and the puke. But people like me? We had to ensure we didn't backslide into that grey, bland, paranoid, controlled, muted, competitive piety thing. The "everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you." culture, with people dying inside. Why you don't need to buy a 12-string guitar to get a 12-string sound. The rise and fall of Kevin Smith. Kids know EXACTLY what their parents are getting wrong, but will most likely repeat the same mistakes or invent ones of their own when it's their turn. Neil Gaiman says "make good art." Deer hunting with toothpaste. Making sure that, like a shark, I keep moving forward, keep making stuff, to keep alive, even if people think it's amateurish, vain, negative or casts certain people and groups in a bad light.



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