Episode 23

Promises (God's Country)


July 21st, 2021

58 mins 10 secs

Season 2

Your Hosts

About this Episode

I get some help to attempt an country song, sung by the Almighty. Life advice for me from an 80s hair metal shredder lead guitarist. Neon pink, bubblegum-flavoured church icing on your steak and mashed potatoes. Why doesn't Michael Sweet age? How much of Stryper is, as he claims, mainly just him? The Christian answer to everything (besides "go to church") is "surrender all to God." (Let go and let God.) Let God make all your life's decisions, essentially. Well, two problems: 1) if you grew up with your life entirely bound to church expectations, you have no say over your "all" to begin with. You can't surrender something you're not in possession of. 2) What if God refuses to make your life decisions for you? Bill tells us what Christians do. Teenagers wandering the street at night, drunk and looking for trouble, benefit from more rules, expectations and structure. Teenagers raised with no freedom are all full up. The Almighty covers Cheap Trick.

Additional Musicians
George Turcotte: drums, mandolin, pedal steel
Tyler Irving: piano

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