Episode 32

The Voice of Death


January 19th, 2022

1 hr 56 mins 8 secs

Season 3

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Pleasure, joy and happiness. Targets for offense, shame and "correction"? Why? Is enjoying a thing "idolatry" and cheating on God?

Is getting annoyed about anything that brings other people joy, but not you, more common than we want to admit? Do we all have an inner Grinch? (we do.)

Pop music, Harry Potter, gym selfies, TV, comic books and pants... the things we gave up to keep our church status. If it makes you happy, it can't be that good, right?

Economist, Season 3 interview contributor Evan emails drum parts played on a digital kit to be used on this week's song! (This week, I go as Pink Floyd as I possibly can...)

Additional Musicians

Evan Sauve: drums

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